Thursday, November 10, 2011

Adepticon T-shirts

Well the topic came up on wether or not we are going to do team t-shirts.  So, we should probably toss around if we want to do them, how we want to make them, and what we want on them!

TOG and I were throwin some ideas out on what to do for shirts, this is what we have come up with so far.  If every one just got the same color shirt, then we could spray paint a design on the backs of them.  So, if we can agree on a shirt color, and a design we could try and make a prototype and see how it goes.  I went on the net quick to find some design ideas we could reproduce with our limited artistic skills.  I'll post what I found, and lets here some feed back and send in additional designs if you have anything you want.  After we have had a chance to discuss a little, I think this would be a good time to try out the "Poll Widget".


  1. I like it. We should spray paint on flames and have a skull on it... an ork skull.

  2. Lol, maybe we could start with deciding on a shirt color, and a simple design. I like red for a color, and the ork face with the wrench in his mouth.
