Thursday, December 8, 2011

Battle Report 12/3/11

Here goes the First Battle Report!  In this fight, we have Chrono and Presto's Adepticon Ork Lists VS. 1k of Grey Knights and 1k of Imperial Guard.

To start off, the post photo is two of the objective markers for the team tournament.

The scenario for this game is from Adepticons 2011 Team Tournament and is scenario 1
for more information you can find a copy here.

Orks won the roll and decided to go first.  Everything deployed on the board except for Presto's Snikrot squad which he kept in reserve.  The grey knights and guard deployed everything on the table.

The Imperium failed to seize the initiative and the orks charged forward and with a little bit luck managed to take down a few terminators with shooting.

The Imperial forces promptly responded.  Managing to destroy a truk on each flank, kill several warbikers, damage the killa kans, and kill a few storm boyz.

At the start of turn two, the orks moved up and assaulted anything they could get their hands on. Snikrot came in behind the valkyrie and did a big combi assault back there  They managed to either destroy, or incapacitate 4 chimeras. The storm boyz were able to finish off the terminators as well as a good amount of guard infantry.  They also managed to get in combat with the storm raven and did nothing to it.

The imperial forces repositioned. Doing alot of damage with shooting, they forced the bikes to break and fall back as well as causing a large amount of damage to the orks on the ground on the right flank.  In the assault phase the orks managed to strike back destroying some chimeras, and snikrots squad with attached warboss did some heavy hitting under the shadow of the valkyrie.

This brings us to turn three.  The Orks struk back viciously.  The Kannons managed to get a shot through on the storm raven bringing it down, the killa kans made it into combat with the paladins not doing well, but managing to stall them quite well.  The warboss on bike turbo boosted over to the falling back warbikers to use his command token to rally them next turn.  At the end of three the only threat on the board is the palidins who may try and contest the center objective.

Turn 4

Turn 5

By the last couple turns the Orks had the game fairly well in hand and concentrated on maintaining the objectives.

Here are a couple side shots of the board

Hope everyone enjoyed the battle report!

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